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Maintaining Your Pool

Maintaining Your Pool

Your swimming pool represents a substantial investment. Even the simplest pool is a complex union of equipment that circulates, filters, sanitises and, in many cases, heats, cascades or sprays the pool’s water. A certain amount of maintenance is necessary to keep these systems running smoothly. 

With Pool Splendour, it is easy to keep your pool in top operating condition and the water looking sparkling clear and inviting. Most common problems can be avoided if you follow these five easy principles to pool care.

For maximum sanitiser effectiveness throughout the entire pool, the water must be circulated. The more your pool water is in motion, the harder it is for bacteria and algae to take hold and grow. Another advantage is the more water that passes through the filter, the more debris is captured. The best time to circulate the water is during the day, for 8-12 hours or more.


The filter is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your pool’s system. It removes both visible debris and most microscopic matter. A filter usually should be backwashed, which is the removal of material trapped on or in the filter media, when the water pressure in the filter reaches manufacturers specification. (Make sure to check the manufacturer’s guidelines.) Make sure to install a good quality pressure gauge.

Because backwashing does not remove oils and deeply imbedded debris, every filter needs to be chemically cleaned regularly. Pool Splendour can help you establish an effective filter cleaning and maintenance programme.


The walls and floor of your pool needs to be brushed regularly. All swimming pools have certain areas that have little or no circulation. This is where algae and bacteria can begin to grow. At least once a week, the walls and the floors should be brushed and vacuumed to remove debris that the filter misses. Even if you use an automatic pool cleaner or retain a weekly service, brushing is a must!


Every pool has certain chemical parameters which must be regularly measured. Most important are the pH and the level of active sanitiser. By testing these two factors at regular intervals, you’ll be able to understand how bather load, weather and product application affect the water. Test your pool water at least once per week. Plan to bring a sample of pool water to Pool Splendour or take a sample to a pool professional outlet every four to six weeks for comprehensive analysis. This will ensure that proper balance is maintained and greatly reduce the potential risk for problems.


The last step in a total pool maintenance programme is the right application of products to your pool water in a timely manner. 

Your three objectives are:
  1. Provide a bacteria-free swimming environment.
  2. Chemically balance the water to make it comfortable for bathers, protect the equipment and the pool. Unbalanced pool water can cause damage to the pool and equipment and lead to swimmer discomfort.
  3. Provide clear, sparkling water free of algae growth.

    Pool Splendour provides a complete range of pool care products to balance and maintain hygienically safe, sparkling, algae-free pool water. 

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